Two questions, if they think it is dead, why are they knocking? Second, why would people stop in the middle of the street while driving? Some people are stupid but at least there are people like Neckface.
October is Breast Cancer month. Please donate to help rid the world of this disease who is affecting Moms, Grandmothers, Aunts, Wives, Sister and friends (stay strong Krista, always thinking of you) all over the world.
We will see if you can live within and outside of the Black Box death grip. No word if he will still skate for Fallen but they did ad this video to the website yesterday.
The best skate team of all time is no longer stoned or drunk...or maybe they have regressed to six years ago. A new video in the works. I'm filming something...
Here are some photos from the recent DC comp King Of Vancouver. I have to admit I was like a proud father when I saw how hard the guys from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Big shout out to Niel "CBS For Life" Blackwood, Adam "Goose Bay" Wade and Johnny "Trout" Personal Check out more photos at the SPOT website and the DC website P.S. Clements, no mention of gay grinds again...I'm hurt.